Water Restrictions Face Golf Courses Across The U.S.

23 Aug 2016

Posted in General by Curtis Williams

Water restrictions is one of the most pressing issues for professionals maintaining turfgrass. Droughts across the country have created conditions in which fresh water irrigation is severely curtailed.

In recent years, California has demonstrated the most extreme examples, but now droughts are forcing golf courses in the Eastern U.S. to adopt water-saving methods, as noted in a recent article by “Club & Resort Business.”

Turf Merchants, Inc. has been an active industry leader in the development of grass varieties that require less supplemental water. As a founding member of the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) and through our Aqua Wise® line of water-saving grass seeds, we continue to address the need for attractive and vibrant turfgrass while enhancing the environmental responsibility demands of increasing restrictions on water use.