Turf Merchant Seeds Top Trial Quality Ratings

23 Sep 2016

Posted in General by Curtis Williams

Because the recuperative potential for Bermudagrass diminishes when night temperatures become 55 degrees or lower, many golf courses utilize overseeding of ryegrass to maintain both playing conditions and aesthetics.

In a recent set of overseed fairway trials by the University of Arizona, 52 entries of annual, intermediate and perennial ryegrasses were tested.

With a turfgrass mean quality score of 8.3, Rodeo 3 topped all other entries. And for “all season quality,” ranked at the top with a score of 6.9.

It’s with great appreciation for the team of growers, geneticists, our distribution partners and the golf courses who have trusted Turf Merchants for so many years that we share this terrific news, which only drives us harder to exceed expectations through each season, every year.