Turfgrass Breeders Cooperate For Trial Data

09 Sep 2016

Posted in General by Curtis Williams

The Cooperative Turfgrass Breeders Test (CTBT) was started in the fall of 2004. The objective of the test is to combine resources among cool season turfgrass breeders in order to provide more extensive trial data, economically.

The United States is a large geographical area with many diverse climates and microclimates. Because of this it is necessary to obtain as much data on a cultivar as possible. The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program provides an extensive testing system but is cost prohibitive for screening a large number
of cultivars. Also, there is a 5 year lag between new tests.

The CTBT was established in order to facilitate decisions about which cultivars should be entered into a National Trial. The CTBT has been designed to cover multiple test sites across the U.S. so that researchers may gain information about the scope of adaptation of their cultivars.

Cooperators at chosen sites will collect data on turf quality, color, density and various diseases or insects. The data is analyzed and distributed to cooperators, sponsors, and posted on this web site. The sponsors encourage the use of this data, but request that the data use guidelines are respected.

Tall Fescue, Bluegrass Species, Fine Fescue and Perennial Ryegrass are all represented. All previous data is still accessible. To explore more and review the guidelines, go to the CTBT website.