High Demand & Production Lows Drive Pricing Up

10 Feb 2017

Posted in General by Curtis Williams

January ended up being an unusually strong month for seed movement, which surprisingly strengthened a couple of crops. The yields and clean outs on Annual Ryegrass were apparently poorer than first projected last fall. Several believe heat and early pollination played a role. Strong winter consumption has driven the price to what we believe is an all time high of 0.47/lb fob Oregon.

From the North, we learned this week that Canadian Creeping Fescue is expected to sell out and this prompted activity to rise above 0.90/lb! While this is not an all time high, it is stronger than it has been for many years. The generally poor crop of Fine Fescues in Oregon on reduced acres is not helping matters.

Be sure and check your Spring projections for these turfgrasses soon!