Grass That Is Truly “Green.”


TMI is a founding member of Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA)

Fresh water supplies are increasingly limited across the globe, and uses of water are being scrutinized more closely than ever before, especially the use of water for landscapes, athletic fields, and home lawns.

At TMI, we have taken a proactive response in tangible ways, most notably as a founding member of the Turf Grass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA).

This non-profit organization established a science-based method for qualifying cultivars for drought tolerance and other characteristics related to water conservation of grass seeds.

Turfgrass plots are monitored for their ability to maintain green cover under protracted drought stress, a process which identifies those cultivars with either low water use or extensive root systems. Those cultivars or selections at that maintain green cover for longer periods would delay the need for supplemental irrigation, with the hopes that natural rainfall can supply those needs before irrigation is required.

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This approach to identifying turf grass cultivars with superior drought tolerance with as much as 21 day delays in the onset of drought stress symptoms are marketed under the “Aqua Wise®” brand.

Few cultivars pass the rigorous standards of TWCA, and we are proud to offer the following Aqua Wise® seeds below.


Chewing Fescue

Red Fescue

Hard Fescue
