The Perennial Ryegrass For Every Location
Advanced Gray Leaf Spot resistance, dark color and compact growth has put Pangea GLR at the top of NTEP tests, and a success for sports fields, commercial property and residential yards.
Pangea GLR can be used anywhere perennial ryegrass is adapted, and mixes well with Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescues and other perennials where a dark green lawn is the desired result.
Key Benefits
- Adaptable To Any Location
- Superior Quality and Color
- Gray Leaf Spot Resistance
Test after test by the National Turf Grass Evaluation Program has shown Pangea GLR from Turf Merchants to lead the industry in perennial ryegrass quality!
NTEP Mean Quality Ratings For Perennial Ryegrass
NTEP trials on Gray Leaf Spot resistance not only showed TMI’s Pangea GLR to be a top five performer among Perennial Ryegrass, but also demonstrated the extremely high establishment rate of this highly adaptable turfgrass seed.

Pangea GLR is a Blue Tag certified grass seed ideal for sports field and golf applications, including new seeding and overseeding.