Wear Resistant, Self-Repairing Tall Fescue
Its expanded adaption range, combined with both drought and shade resistance makes it a natural choice throughout the Midwest.
Rhizomes in Rhambler 2 SRP enhance self-repair potential, which speed establishment, improve traffic tolerance, and increase recovery potential from damage.
Rhambler 2 SRP offers a range of benefits for sports fields, parks, and both residential and commercial landscaping.
Wear Resistance:
An NTEP trial demonstrated Rhambler 2 SRP to be a Top Ten performer in Living Ground Cover Ratings of Tall Fescues Grown Under Traffic Stress.
The presence of rhizomes in this Turf Type Tall Fescue are a prime contributor to its wear resistance, creating the potential for self-recovery.
High Quality:
A separate NTEP trial showed Rhambler 2 SRP to be among the top Tall Fescues submitted for Mean Turfgrass Quality Ratings Grown at Seven Locations.
This trial also backs the success customers have experienced in diverse geographic regions because of the wide range of adaptation.
Disease Resistance:
In the completely natural development of the Rhambler 2 SRP seed, the germplasm resists Brown Patch – a disease that has proven to decimate many other Turf Type Tall Fescue cultivars.
Key Benefits:
- Self-Repair from Wear and Divots
- Shade Tolerant
- Drought-Tolerant / Water Savings
Call your TMI representative and ask about how Rhambler 2 SRP can be the solution for your customers’ Tall Fescue requirements.

Rhambler 2 SRP is a Blue Tag certified shade-tolerant grass seed ideal for sod production and landscaping.