The Top Quality Drought Tolerant Bluegrass

Bedazzled is a top performer among Kentucky Bluegrasses in turfgrass quality. It exhibits strong color, desirable texture, exceptional disease resistance and drought tolerance.

With broad adaptation to various management regimes, its compact growth habit and slower growth rate make this an obvious choice for turfgrass professionals.

Call us at TMI about this unique “America Type” Kentucky Bluegrass hybrid.

NTEP trials showed Bedazzled to be #1 in quality across wide geographic conditions, proving it to be highly adaptable.

Mean Quality Ratings – Grown At Nine Locations


twca-logoThe qualification of Bedazzled by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) represents a big benefit for this turfgrass. The protocols for TWCA qualification are highly demanding, requiring that water-starved grass maintain green covering through a series of drought simulations.

Key Benefits:

  • Turfgrass Quality
  • Traffic Wear Tolerance
  • Brown Patch and Typhula Blight Resistance
  • Low and Slow Growth Pattern

Bedazzled is a TWCA qualified grass seed ideal for sod production, as well as sports field, parks and recreation, and landscaping applications.

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