America Type Bluegrass With Midnight Color
Blue Magic exhibited remarkable hardiness and a deep green color through NTEP trials that included 89 entries of Kentucky Bluegrass cultivars. The overall quality of this turfgrass was demonstrated over and over in the NTEP trial.
Genetic Color:
With a Genetic Color score of 7.0, Blue Magic is a reliably dark green, elite Kentucky Bluegrass.
Summer Stress Resistance:
Blue Magic ranked second in the NTEP trial for Summer Patch, demonstrating superior hardiness.
Ground Cover:
Blue Magic ranked in the top 10 in the NTEP trial for Ground Cover through spring, summer and winter, including a ranking of second in the spring.
Turf Uniformity:
With a mean rating of 7.5, Blue Magic was a top performer in the NTEP trial for turf uniformity.
Disease Resistance:
Blue Magic showed high resistance to Dollar Spot and well above average resistance to Stem Rust.
Contact TMI and discover how you can order this amazing new Kentucky Bluegrass seed.

Blue Magic Kentucky Bluegrass is well suited for golf courses, sports fields, as well as residential and park landscaping.